Client: Jones Design & Development
Prooduct: Continuous Torque Drive
Photography: Canon G4
Graphics: Photoshop
Layout: PageMaker
Media: Brochures and web
Notes: Continuous Torque Drive is a hybrid drive system for road and mountain bikes. Patent: US 6,840,136 B1.

Client: Jones Design & Development
Prooduct: Continuous Torque Drive
Graphics: AutoCAD
Layout: PageMaker
Media: Print, booth art and web
Notes: A simple illustration to show the difference in output between an conventional drive system and the CTD.

Client: Jones Design & Development
Prooduct: Continuous Torque Drive
Graphics: CAD
Layout: PageMaker
Media: Print and web
Notes: Version 4 of the CTD was the last produced.

CTD version 1 in a CAD rendering.

Client: Jones Design & Development
Prooduct: Continuous Torque Drive
Graphics: AutoCAD
Layout: PageMaker
Media: Print and web
Notes: This graphic depicts the radial movements of the crank arms and the chainrings. The yellow area shows the increase in relative diameter of pedal sprockets.

For the gear-heads this graphic shows the location of the pedals relative to the position of the chainrings.

Client: Mountain To Sound Motorcycle Adventures
Prooduct: Cycle Butler
Graphics: Photoshop
Layout: InDesign
Media: Print and web
Notes: This product was designed as a cup holder for most motorcycles.

A photo of the Cycle Butler on a Honda Goldwing.

Cycle Butler installation diagram.