Client: Mountain To Sound Motorcycle Adventures
Product: Cycle Butler cup holder
Graphics: Photoshop CS4
Illustration: Jason Liekhus

Client: bSound Software
Product: Product logo
Graphics: Photoshop CS4
Media: Web and print

Client: 5 Star Haul rock band
Graphics: Photoshop CS4
Media: Banner and web

Client: Digital Dog Design LLC
Product: Company logo
Photography: Canon DR
Graphics: Photoshop CS4
Media: Web and print
Notes: My dog Milo.

Client: Jones Design & Development, Inc.
Graphics: Photoshop CS4
Media: Web and decal

Client: Yvonne Taylor - LGC
Photography: Playboy, Inc.
Graphics: Photoshop CS4
Media: Web and print

Client: Liekhus Properties LLC
Graphics: Photoshop CS4
Media: Web and print

Client: Perma-Chink Systems, Inc.
Graphics: Corel DRAW and PAINT
Media: Print and packaging

Client: Yvonne Taylor - LGC
Graphics: Photoshop CS4
Media: Print and web

Client: Perma-Chink Systems, Inc
Graphics: Corel PAINT
Media: Print

Client: Perma-Chink Systems, Inc.
Product: Stuc-O-Flex Textured Coating
Graphics: Corel PAINT
Media: Print

Client: Jones Design & Development
Product: Corporate logo
Graphics: Corel PAINT
Media: Print and web